The NEW Joomla 3.7

yellowwebmonkey web services

Joomla 3.7 is here and it’s packed full of features to simplify your workflow. With over 700 new improvements and 40 new features you’ll want to upgrade your site to the latest version ASAP. While we can’t cover all 700 of them, here are the highlights for some of the features you will likely use the most  and will make your life a whole lot easier.


Custom Fields

One of the best new features is now there are 15 custom field types available for you to use for your Articles, Users and Forms.

To show the custom field types available for Articles, you first need to activate Show Article Options:

This will allow you access custom fields including:

  • Calendar: Pops up a calendar that allows the user to select a date
  • Checkboxes: Creates a single box that is checked or unchecked
  • Color: Provides a color picker
  • List: Creates a dropdown list of customized options to select from
  • Media: Allows users to upload images
  • Textarea: Allows entry of multiple lines of text


New Features for TinyMCE Editor

New Buttons have been added to the Tiny MCE editor. Now you can quickly and easily add menu links, contacts and newsfeeds to your articles: You can also customize the editor to change the options available for us based on specific groups of users.


New Article Features

You can now create a menu item, an article and a category – all in one step, without going back and forth between content, category and menu manager.

In addition articles can now also be sorted  by ratings and hits by clicking on the column headers in the Article manager.


Backend Menu Manager

Your administration menus can now be organized so that there are different menus available based on user groups.


Shared Session Logins

If you’re accustomed to having to login to the frontend and the backend of your site, you can kiss those days goodbye. Now with the shared sessions login option available in the global settings.


Multilingual Site Support

The Multilingual Associations Component now allows for the content language to be created automatically during the installation of a new language package, easily published with one click.

These are only some of the many great features in the new Joomla 3.7 release. So why wait? Don’t delay, contact us today. 

Schedule my Joomla 3.7 upgrade

About YellowWebMonkey

YellowWebMonkey Web design offers reliable website design, SEO and digital marketing services for Joomla, WordPress and Shopify sites. We strive to be a one-stop shop for all your web needs.

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