YellowWebMonkey offers Managed hosting on our Dedicated Server. Because we specialize in Joomla, the server is already configured to run optimally for Joomla 3.x websites in terms of speed and security. Your hosting account will always have the correct versions of PHP, mySQL, etc for the current version of Joomla so that means you do not have to submit tickets or search around yourself.
Originally YellowWebMonkey did not want to get into the hosting world. However, we were frustrated ourselves with trying to configure shared or reseller accounts the way we wanted as well as tweak settings like closing ports, adjusting file permissions, etc. We knew we couldn’t be the only ones experiencing this, so we decided to offer the exact same hosting we use for our own sites.
For those that like specifics:
- CentOS Linux with Full Root Access (64-bit with 32-bit Compatibility)
- cPanel
- Apache Web Server
- Secured VPS with free IPTables Firewall
- Safe Harbor Certified
- Supermicro Servers
- AMD Opteron 6000 series CPUs
- Fault Tolerant RAID Disk Arrays